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and infarct
Myocardium infarct
occurs when the cardiac muscle is deprived of oxygenated
blood. Coronary arteries, providing blood are obstructed
or blocked up. Cholesterol appears to be the principal
factor responsible for this.
In 1786, the English Doctor Herbeden already noted that wine relieved pains of
patients suffering from angina pectoris.
In 1970, researches where initiated by Doctor Arthur Klatsky,
cardiologist at the "Kaiser Permanente", hospital center
in Oakland (California). He initiated a study on over 100
000 people.
The first results where published in 1974, and indicate the fact that the risk
of death from coronary diseases (notably myocardium infarct) is lower for moderate
consumers (1 to 3 glasses of wine a day): 6,2 to a 1 000 against 8,2 to a 1 000
for people who do not drink wine and 11 to one thousand for people drinking more
than six glasses of wine a day.
Doctor Rimm of the School of Public Health of Harvard - Cambridge - Massachusetts
calculated that the risk of heart disease is reduced from 25 to 45% for people
drinking 1 or 2 glasses of wine a day.
According to a study by Doctor Saint-Leger, published in
the famous English medical publication "The Lancet" in 1979,
France and Italy, largest consumers of wine (62 litres of
wine a year per inhabitant) registers the number of death
due to myocardium infarct 2 to 5 times inferior to death
registered in Scotland, Ireland and United States.
An other study published in "The Lancet" a year later, signed
by Doctor Werth, shows that between 1952 and 1978 consumption
of wine in the States rose by 52% and that at the same time
death due to myocardium infarct fell down by 22%.
According to a study by Doctor Dean, for an equal consumption the risk of death
by myocardium infarct is 1,03 for beer-drinkers, 1,00 for spirit-drinkers and
only 0,47 for wine-drinkers.
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